The Happiness Sutra, 2nd edition – Available in paperback from your favorite bookseller
Stressed-out is the new normal, with 1 in 3 adults relying on medication to deal with depression, anxiety, sleeplessness, and other stress-induced problems. Owing to rising levels of stress, the World Health Organization says that by 2030, depression will be the leading cause of illness worldwide — greater than heart disease, cancer or diabetes.
In The Happiness Sutra, board-certified doctor of medical psychology Dr. Rick Levy shows the reader how to trounce stress without medication virtually overnight using the latest advances in mind-body medicine, and he maps out the ultimate stress management strategy, showing the reader how to tap the hidden power of their own mind to lead a happy, healthy, fearless, and productive life.
“Your potential is limitless because the power of your mind is infinite” is Dr. Levy’s credo, and in The Sutra he provides concrete tools, including his signature audio methods, that readers can use to prove it to themselves. A medical breakthrough based on 40 years of research and clinical care, the Levy Methods combine clinical hypnosis, meditation and mental focusing procedures into issue-specific audio protocols. Known for their ease of use — all the reader does is close their eyes and listen — the Levy Methods deliver profound and immediate physical, mental, and spiritual benefits as well as the sheer power needed to succeed in a complex world. They come on a CD included with the book and as free mp3 files. The Sutra also includes:
- 16 scientifically validated stress reduction techniques that can be applied anytime;
- 8 easy steps for minimizing workplace stress; and
- the latest science on diet and lifestyle factors proven to maintain a healthy brain and body, prolong life, and make it worth living.

Miraculous Health – In hardback from Beyond Word
In Miraculous Health, Dr. Rick Levy guides the reader through a sequence of simple, state-of-the-art methods from the field of mind-body medicine that deliver immediate, measurable improvements and astounding changes in long-term health. The book is rich with scientific knowledge and powerful true healing stories.
In addition to the healing techniques described in the text, Dr. Levy provides twelve potent mind-body tools that can be accessed as free audio downloads from this website (or purchased on CD) — tools the reader can use to build their own customized plan for attaining extraordinary health and wellbeing.
What Clients and Critics Have to Say About Dr. Levy
“Dr. Levy is an expert and pioneer in the field of mind body medicine . . . I highly recommend his heart-health kit to the general public and all professionals interested in fighting heart disease.”

Distinguished Professor of Medicineand Cardiovascular DiseaseUniversity of Alabama at Birmingham, USAPioneer of the echocardiogram
"In The Happiness Sutra Dr. Rick Levy shows how to heal quickly from stress, depression and anxiety and live a healthy, happy life using proven methods from the field of Mind-Body Medicine. A scientist of international renown and a Western yogi who well understands the Indian soul, Dr. Levy says the stresses of modern life exist for a Divine reason: to propel us into a life of deeper meaning and Self- realization, and he is right. I highly recommend this book."

Art of Living Foundation
Dr. Rick Levy’s Heart Health Kit teaches patients how to free themselves from chronic stress, worry, anger, depression and anxiety and focus instead on their own healing and happiness. His methods are extremely easy to use and work rapidly to increase cardiovascular health. This Kit is a must-read for heart patients, their family members and health care providers alike.”

President, Cardiological Society of India President, World Wellness Foundation Editor, Textbook of Cardiology
“Dr. Rick Levy’s book The Happiness Sutra: How to Live a Heroic Life, Free of Stress teaches us how to live a fulfilled life.”

Author: The Ultimate Happiness Prescription